Costa Rica

Pacific Lowlands
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  • Monteverde/Santa Elena Cloudforest

    Monteverde/Santa Elena is a tourist hotspot that attracts a mixed crowd. Get up early to beat the crowds. Wildlife and birds hide well in the cloudforest. Curi-Cancha Reserve offers a good chance to see Resplendent Quetzal in spring - ask at the entrance where they are - no guide or tour needed

  • Tarcoles/Carara NP

    There is more to the Tarcoles River than crocodiles - go on the earliest possible tour for a calm and revarding nature experience. Bring a guide to make the most of Carara NP - and after nightfall explore the ponds at Villa Lapas on the quest for tiny treefrogs - many not larger than the tip of a finger

  • Hacienda Barù

    Turns out that Hacienda Barù is home to a number of sloths - both the 2-toed and 3-toed varieties. Likely a much better wildlife experience than Manuel Antonio NP which attracts bigger crowds. A local guide and binoculars/a long telephoto lens are an absolute must to see sloths as they stay mostly very high up in the trees

  • San Gerardo de Dota

    San Gerardo de Dota is a hotspot for birders and nature lovers. Hotels offer tours and feeders such as at Miriam’s Restaurant, Feathers next to the Hotel Savegre or Batsù Gardens bring in a constant stream of spectacular hummingbirds, tanagers, woodpeckers and more