On to Frozen Waters
A Polar Bear mother leads her 2 cubs out to the Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP in Canada to hunt for seals as long as the sea remains frozen
A Polar Bear mother leads her 2 cubs out to the Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP in Canada to hunt for seals as long as the sea remains frozen
Snow drifts in Wapusk NP, Canada
Tundra Buggies at sunset next to a Polar Bear observation tower in Wapusk NP, Canada
The sun sets over the frozen Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
After sunset in Wapusk NP, Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
Red Fox resting in deep snow in Wapusk NP, Canada
The sun breaks through fog at Wapusk NP in Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
Plant stalks throw long shadows in the low winter sun in Wapusk NP, Canada
A polar bear mon and her cub look back at the sun in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear mom and her cub check if there is something to eat hiding under the snow in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear cub seems tired of following its mom to the frozen sea ice in the Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
A male Polar Bear has followed the smell of food and waits to see if there is a chance to get some
A male Polar Bear lies flat on his belly and yawns waking up in Wapusk NP, Canada
A male Polar Bear stretches waking up in Wapusk NP, Canada
An Arctic Fox looks up while digging for food in Wapusk NP, Canada
An Arctic Fox is spooked in Wapusk NP, Canada
An Arctic Fox runs away in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear mother stops to check-in with her 2 cubs in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear checks if there is a promising smell of food in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear mom and her two cubs on the way to the frozen Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
Frozen sea ice in the Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
A Red Fox looks back in Wapusk NP, Canada
Bear tracks leading East in Wapusk NP, Manitoba, Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear mother leads her 2 cubs out to the Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP in Canada to hunt for seals as long as the sea remains frozen
Snow drifts in Wapusk NP, Canada
Tundra Buggies at sunset next to a Polar Bear observation tower in Wapusk NP, Canada
The sun sets over the frozen Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
After sunset in Wapusk NP, Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
Red Fox resting in deep snow in Wapusk NP, Canada
The sun breaks through fog at Wapusk NP in Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
Plant stalks throw long shadows in the low winter sun in Wapusk NP, Canada
A polar bear mon and her cub look back at the sun in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear mom and her cub check if there is something to eat hiding under the snow in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear cub seems tired of following its mom to the frozen sea ice in the Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
A male Polar Bear has followed the smell of food and waits to see if there is a chance to get some
A male Polar Bear lies flat on his belly and yawns waking up in Wapusk NP, Canada
A male Polar Bear stretches waking up in Wapusk NP, Canada
An Arctic Fox looks up while digging for food in Wapusk NP, Canada
An Arctic Fox is spooked in Wapusk NP, Canada
An Arctic Fox runs away in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear mother stops to check-in with her 2 cubs in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear checks if there is a promising smell of food in Wapusk NP, Canada
A Polar Bear mom and her two cubs on the way to the frozen Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
Frozen sea ice in the Hudson Bay in Wapusk NP, Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
A Red Fox looks back in Wapusk NP, Canada
Bear tracks leading East in Wapusk NP, Manitoba, Canada
Wapusk NP, Canada
Wapusk NP
About 1’000 Polar Bears wait out their summers in Wapusk NP
For polar bears go end of Oct/early Nov when they congregate at the Hudson Bay to head out to sea for the winter, as soon as it freezes over. Or go to cape Churchill between mid Feb and mid Mar to see mothers coming out of their dens for the first time with their 3 months old cubs
Independent travel is not allowed. Everyone needs to join a licensed tour
Access is typically by plane from Winnipeg to Churchill and then by tundra buggy or helicopter