
Tanjung Puting NP
Komodo NP
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Tanjung Puting NP

  • Orang Utans

    Tanjung Puting NP is home to 1'500 wild Orang Utans. Professor Biruté Galdikas runs rewilding camps for Orang Utans liberated from captivity. 3 camps can be visited

  • Getting there

    Fly from Jakarta to Pangkalan Bun. Pre-arrange with a local tour operator to access Tanjung Puting NP by Klotok boat. Avoid high season for best experience with less tourists

Komodo NP

  • Komodo Dragons

    are the largest lizards in the world. They can get up to 3m long and weigh up to 140kg. In the absence of males, females can reproduce asexually by parthenogenesis

  • Venom

    In 2009 researchers finally confirmed that Komodo Dragons are in fact venomous. They can eat up to 80% of their body weight in one sitting and digest everything including the bones

Komodo NP (cont.)

  • Getting There

    Fly from Jakarta to Labuan Bajo on Flores. From there access Komodo NP by boat. Pre-arrange with a travel agent or hotel.

  • Getting Around on Flores

    Easiest way to get around on Flores is by scooter. Fuel is sold in bottles at roadside “Kiosks”